In 1965, single mom of two boys and New Orleanian, Ruth Fertel mortgaged her home to purchase the (then) popular Chris Steak House. After a fire broke out and destroyed the original location, she rebuilt, added her name to original and Ruth’s Chris Steak House was born. Ruth’s Chris is the largest upscale steakhouse chain in the world, with over 170 locations worldwide.
I had the distinct pleasure of working at Ruth’s Chris Steak House corporation, for 10 years, when Ruth Fertel was still largely involved with the company. This gave me the opportunity to work for her and she became one of my largest inspirations in the hospitality industry. I also socialized and dined with her, several times, and she was the most charming and funniest people I have met. Man, did she have the stories and she told them with as much passion as she ran her restaurants. All while smoking her cigarettes and drinking her whiskey.
Admittedly, I am not much of a dessert person. I prefer savory over sweet (I’m looking at you, cheese), but this dessert really does it for me. Berries are my favorite and paired with the sweet cream (which isn’t too, too sweet), it just hits! If you’ve ever had the pleasure of trying this dessert at RCSH, I’m know you agree!
The sweet cream takes some time, but can be made way in advance and stores in the fridge for several days. Garnish with a mint leaf for the “authentic” experience.

- 1 pint of fresh strawberries, halved
- 1 pint fresh blueberries
- 1 pint fresh raspberries
- 1 pint fresh blackberries
- 1 pint heavy cream
- 10 egg yolks
- 1 cup sugar, divided
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- Pinch salt
- Mint leaves, for garnish
On the lowest heat setting, in a saucepan, bring the heavy cream, vanilla extract, ½ cup of the sugar and pinch of salt to a very slow simmer. Stir frequently to dissolve the sugar and prevent from scorching.
In a large stainless-steel bowl, whip the egg yolks and ½ cup of sugar until it forms a paste-like consistency.
Using a small ladle, add very small amounts of the hot cream mixture into the egg yolk. Whisk quickly and continuously to prevent the egg from scrambling. This is referred to as tempering the egg. Continue this process until all the cream is incorporated into to the egg mixture.
After all the cream has been added, put the egg and cream mixture onto the top of a double boiler (or a glass bowl fitted over a saucepan of simmering water). Cook in the double boiler, on a medium heat, stirring gently but constantly as the cream mixture thickens. You are looking for a custard-like consistency.
Once the egg/cream becomes similar to a custard, set the bottom of the pot or glass bowl over a large bowl of ice water. This is to stop the cooking process. Continue to whisk constantly and gently, as the sweet cream cools down. Do not allow any ice or water into the sweet cream. Once cooled, transfer to a lidded container and refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours.
Layer the berries into a decorative glass, pour the sweet cream over the top and garnish with a mint leaf.
Serve with Ruth’s Chris Chop Salad and Ruth’s Chris Stuffed Chicken Breast and Enjoy!
1 comment
was delicious. I have way too much sweet cream, though. Can I freeze that?